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Brand Book


Our Brand

Welcome to the Brand Book, the reference platform for everything about the Cegid brand.

The Cegid brand is, above all, our brand because it unites us around one common mission, which is larger than the sum of its parts. Our brand is the image we project to the world, our clients, our partners and our prospects. It is our most valuable asset and we are all its ambassadors and protectors.

Start exploring!

Our brand pillars

Our conviction

Faced with uncertainty, our clients need a partner with intimate knowledge of their business and concerns, to help them transform their challenges into opportunities

At Cegid, we fully understand our clients’ issues–we have been supporting some professions for more than 35 years!

To best support our clients, we have made the decision over the years to devote ourselves to the businesses we know best, and where we can contribute real added value: CPAs, Small & Medium-sized Businesses, employers, and professionals in the fields of finance and taxes, payroll, human resources and retail.

Our mission

Unlock the full value of our clients’ businesses by providing them with purposeful and innovative solutions.

Our clients perform vital functions within their companies, where they are confronted with complex strategic choices every day. Our goal is to provide them with the management tools that will allow them to make the right choices and move forward faster in order to reach their full potential.

With Cegid, they can go beyond the status of technical experts and become leaders in their field. They will be able to contribute significant added value and take part in the company’s strategic discussions.

Our management solutions are purposeful, because they are tailored to the specifics business needs of our customers (and often developed with them). Our solutions are innovative, because they use new technologies, new business models or involve new uses.

Our promise

Thanks to Cegid, our clients will be able to Make More Possible. Making more possible means that everything they wish to undertake to undertake becomes possible. That means growth and performance, of course, but also, and above all:

  • Seizing every opportunity that comes their way
  • Envisioning projects and making them a reality
  • Expanding their company or refocusing it on a business or sector
  • Changing the trajectory of their business/company
  • Taking risks and moving forward with total confidence

Our expertise

  • CPAs

    Keep all clients informed, at all time

    Cegid’s solutions keep CPAs a step ahead, and that allows them to reinvent the client relationship.

  • Finance

    Increase flexibility, simplify and secure financial flow management

    Cegid accompanies Finance executives to increase flexibility in their organizations, manage their digital processes and optimize their financial performance, thanks to a combination of business expertise, technologies and unique cloud solutions in France.

  • Payroll & Talent Management

    Rethink work experience for lasting performance

    Drive and manage the transformation of your organization, simplify HR processes and accelerate HRIS productivity with a global and open HCM platform.

  • ERP

    Forget ERP – experience freedom

    We make executives forget about the rigidity of standard ERPs. Cegid allows them to experience freedom and, as a result, significantly improve their performance.

  • Retail

    Retail the new way

    Thanks to Cegid, retail professions can do retail the new way, which means adopting new ways to sell, new ways to supply and new ways to manage.

  • SME

    Well supported to do it well

    With Cegid, entrepreneurs no longer feel the leader’s burden of loneliness. They are well supported by their CPA and have plenty of intelligent solutions to help them manage their business better.

  • Cloud

    Inspired by your business, ready for you

    The cloud is not a BU at Cegid but a form of genuine expertise that provides tremendous value to our clients. Thanks to Cegid Cloud, business continuity is assured at all times. Our clients have an open road to be more collaborative and incorporate innovations more quickly.

Our values

Be inspired by our clients

Far more than simply understanding our clients, we are learning every day about their challenges, their questions and best practices to imagine the solutions of tomorrow, with them and for them.

How we communicate
(our tone of voice)

A true partner is familiar with the needs of their clients/prospects. Let’s talk about them, and their issues, before talking about ourselves.

Cegid is close to its clients. Everything we do is to benefit them. The emphasis will be on “We”. “You” will further interaction and discussion among partners. That being said, we should not use forms of address or words that are too familiar!

Never stop exploring

In order to continue to be ahead of the curve in terms of business needs, we encourage a culture that is open to constant challenge, experimentation, innovation and risk-taking.

How we communicate
(our tone of voice)

Our communication must emphasize the practical, value-added nature of the innovations included in our solutions. Each sentence must be supported by examples and figures illustrating a concrete benefit for our clients.

Speaking to a wider audience also means adapting the language level. We say it the way our clients would, using their business vocabulary.

Committed together

Our employees are enthusiastically committed, at all levels, individually and collectively, to delivering on our promises vis-à-vis our clients. Thanks to them, Cegid continues to make progress in support of their businesses.

How we communicate
(our tone of voice)

We have a decisively optimistic vision of the future. We must always communicate in a positive manner, with turns of phrase that emphasize opportunities rather than obstacles, and by being agents of change.

Give priority to action verbs that boost the spirit of discussion and convey real energy. Don’t hesitate to address our clients directly in our headings: “Mr./Ms. Chief Financial Officer, why is it important to digitize your business?”